Dear Ministers,
Re: Protecting the prioritization of global education within the G20
Mrs. Hueyda El Saied is a painter with background in art, dance, television, journalism and law. She is well-known for her contribution to the social field by giving strong messages related to human rights in Albania.
During her professional career, she has had the privilege of working in various fields, from painting to ballet, from television to theater, from journalism to human rights. She has participated in the activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) against trafficking of human beings, composing a song titled "Do not Be Blind", who received also the award for the Best Video.
Some of the most important moments in her long career are: Ambassador of the National Child Helpline- ALO 116 and Ambassador of PINK Embassy in Albania. In June 2015, together with CRCA, she organized the first ever charity auction of paintings in support of ALO 116, and offered a picture for charity auction for Zak / Zesummen Active in Luxembourg, and member of the judging team of the “National Teacher Prize-Albania”
Mail Address: KutiaPostare 1738, Tirana / Albania
Phone: +355 4 2242264